Want to know what a day looks like as a basketball athlete at Queens College? Jason Posser tells us what it looks like for his athletes. As a student athlete, it can be a lot to juggle classes, practices, and games, but with the right time management it's easy!


Jason Posser: Assistant Men's Basketball Coach at Queens College.

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Jason Posser

Coach Posser says an average day in the life of a student athlete depends on the division of the college. DI and/or DII game days are an entire day event full of team meals, class, study tables, etc. He says a general rule of thumb is that the higher the level you go, the more structured a student athlete’s daily life will be.

Queens College being a NCAA Division 2 college, his athlete's do have a jam-packed day when it is game day. To some it may seem like a lot, but as an athlete that loves the game, there aren't any days that compare. With the right time management skills, his athletes are able to handle all their classes, practices, and games. Just like any DII college, student athletes will be able to manage everything college has to offer with the right mindset. 

With the right mindset and time management skills, any student athlete can be successful in all realms of college!

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