When you leave high school you have collected a huge array of activities that work for you in succeeding in what you need to do. As you enter college those ideals and efforts have to be tweaked for maximizing success. Sure you can use those same methods from high school but chances are you will just come out mediocre in what you do, instead of fully succeeding. All the added pressures and ideals you have to uphold through compliance, academics, and your athletic team sometimes seem unlikely to accomplish but with the right information I can help relieve some of that and turn it in to positive energy towards your academics, athletics, and life.

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1. Make sure your teachers know who you are! It is important that your teachers know what is on your plate, so introducing yourself in your classes and explaining that you are an athlete will help your teacher comprehend. Make sure you continue to communicate with them throughout the semester; because it is said the better you know a teacher the more they will help, be concerned, and give you a little bump if you need it when the end of the semester comes

2. Take advantage of the Athletics Academic facility. The academic section for athletics is a huge area to lend help for success. Your advisors are willing to help you when you are struggling, will communicate with your teachers, and help get something set up to assist you better to understand the class materials. Tutors are very important in the athletic department because they can help you tremendously; if you academic department through athletics doesn’t supply tutors in house I am sure they still offer them, so you should defiantly ask and take advantage.

3. Get to know Student Services through Athletics. Student services is a place where you want to know all the people. They are willing to help you because they want you to succeed. They have a wide array of knowledge in their office that can help you in all areas; they will help you out in whatever situation you need and if they cannot help they will refer you to that right person.

4. Talk to your coach. It is good to have a bond with your coach, go to their office and have a conversation with them. Just talk to them, get to know them and let them get to know you. Explain what you have on your plate and what other concerns you have. Forming a bond with your coach is beneficial because it will help when you have a problem or situation by simply opening up another route.

5. Get to know the Athletic Director. You may not understand why you should know the athletic director but it is very beneficial. They are powerful within the university and could help you out when needed. Make sure you take time to introduce yourself to them and have a little conversation. Not only will this relationship benefit you during your college years but also beyond.

6. Set up a weekly schedule for yourself. A good time management tip is to make a weekly schedule that puts a certain amount of study time for each class, your practice times, and your class times. If you can stick to a schedule like this it will benefit you greatly. It will lend a hand because you won’t be doing last minute studying and homework assignments, in most classes this will either put you ahead of what you need to do or keep you right on target for the whole semester.

7. Get sleep. As an athlete you need your sleep, especially in college; practices are more intense and school is more tedious. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of sleep at night and not pulling all nighters multiple days in a week

8. Eat properly. You may be wondering how eating falls in with success but if you don’t have energy you aren’t going to function properly in the classroom or on your playing field. Make sure that you are eating good energy foods. Fast food every night will only harm you not help you.

9. Be Smart. Be smart with what you do. Know the rules of your team and the university before partaking in sketchy activities. Also remember that your muscles and vitals are more important to you than anyone else, so think twice before drinking or indulging in something that will harm your body, performance, or academics.

10. Stay motivated!! Sometimes it is draining being involved with many activities and no time for you. Stay motivated even when you feel like giving out, it will only pay off in the end.

I hope that you find these tips helpful in succeeding in college, both in athletics and academics. It is a rigorous life and schedule indulging into college level courses along with the intensity of college sports. I hope this list of tips helps relieve stress and leads to success on the field and in the classroom.