EXACT is providing a loyalty program to parents, athletes and college coaches. We want you, our best families, to share your insights and help guide us to creating better exposure, training and fun for athletes across the US. We want to learn from your thoughts of the soccer community and leverage your knowledge as a parent. Basically, we hope to learn from your perspective in continuing our mission to help athletes “Go Mental” in their athletic, academic and social success!

![]() Participate in group conference calls so we can better understand parent/player needs |
![]() Provide honest feedback about EXACT’s strengths & opportunities to improve |
![]() Be an ambassador for us within your soccer community |
Benefits to the EXACT Loyalty Program

![]() 10% lifetime advisor discount on any EXACT events, camps, services, or tools |
![]() Personalized, exclusive guidance (at no cost) to you and your child(ren) on the college exposure process |
![]() Recognition on our website (you’d be one of only a handful of advisors in the region) |
![]() And most importantly… the joy and satisfaction of knowing that you support the #GoMental mission, enabling future generations of youth to succeed ! |
How it Works: You and the other selected loyalty members will communicate directly with the EXACT leadership team. There is no long-term commitment, nor any minimum requirement ⇒ as long as you feel it’s benefiting you, we’d be honored to have you help guide our mission. You can halt responsibilities whenever you choose.
© 2017 EXACT Sports (Address: 140 S. Dearborn, Suite 310, Chicago, IL 60603)